Thursday, November 11, 2010

Link Roundup Volume 1.

As I start blogging again, I realize that i'm about halfway through VeganMofo 2010! VeganMofo-Or Vegan Month Of Food, is a project where vegan bloggers all over the world take on the challenge to write 30 entries in 30 days. There's no way 11 entries will birth themselves tonight, or that i'll catch up, but check out Vegan Mofo Headquarters for roundups of great all the great vegan food out there on the web!

Today's blog entry is inspired by just that. I figured a quick and easy way to show you where I get my inspiration is to post some of the vegan and non vegan foodie blogs I read almost every day. Secondarily, i'll throw you a couple of recipe links that I intend on trying out in the next few weeks, though look out for versions of them here with photos and notes as per usual. Also check out the links from last years Vegan MoFo to the right of my blog here. Alright. Enough talk. More rock.

Vegan Dad-currently looks like he's on hiatus, but some of the best kid friendly vegan recipes I've found on the web.

Veganize it...don't Criticize it! I have never been brave enough to try any of her recipes, but super impressive 'special occasion' vegan versions of classic and new favorites!

Raw on 10 dollars a day-I'm no where near raw, and I feel some of these recipes leave me a little high and dry in terms of nutrition, but some of them are quick and easy-not always the case in the raw diet! The breakfasts are some of my favorites, and most recipes are no special equipment (dehydrator and food processor) required!

The James Beard Blog
-always impressive, always classy.

Momofuku for 2-
Blogging through the momofuku (and some of Keller's Ad Hoc at Home)

And that's it for now!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting cooking,creative..
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