Thursday, October 01, 2009

Welcome/Vegan Mofo!!

This blog has been birthed out of the inspiration to write again, get my recipes and thoughts on veganism out to family and friends as well as the general public. and thanks to the VeganMofo (Three!) project.

VeganMofo (vegan month of food) challenges Vegan food bloggers to blog every day for the month of October about Vegan food. So I'll be putting up at least one post a day for the month of October, and hopefully many more to come after that!

A little about me, and then we'll get to the good stuff.

I am a 27 year old woman living in Western Massachusetts for the past 8 years. I am trained in Culinary Arts (Academic Certificate), Esthetics Arts-makeup, waxing, and skin care (Professional Certificate/unlicensed) and am on my way to an Associate of Sciences in Nutrition/Bachelor of Sciences in Nutrition and Doctorate in Public Health Education-- (all eventually). I am also self educated in herbal medicine, homeopathy and healing through food.

My interest lies in showing the families, groups and individuals that it does not take a whole lots of money, time, or energy to live a nurtionally fulfilling lifestyle that revitalizes the mind, beatifies and strengthens the body and creates a compassionate and creative spirit.

As for my writing credentials, I don't have much in the way of published work other than the fact that I was the editor of the literary Magazine in high school, and in my past life I was an English major for about a minute and a half.

I also am a radio DJ for two very different shows. My weekly music show is full of strange 60's psychedelia, 90's 2 hit wonders, french pop, and British rock. You can listen and watch on here:

every Wednesday at 4.

More of interest to the reader here I am also a co-host for Vegan Radio...every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursday at the link below. We have had guests such as Sarah Kramer, Ani Phyo, and Colleen Patrick Goudreau. I have been incredibly lucky to enter my adventures in Veganism with one of the best vegan networks on the east coast as a support system.

The name of this blog, 'The Vegan Venus" comes from my interest in Aphrodisiac food and lifestyle, and that my faith lies in a pagan, practical spirituality where I live my life for love and beauty in all things, and my biggest moments of prayer occur food preparation and sacred sexuality. If you want to learn more about that you can click any of the links below:

Paganism Wiki
Venus Wiki
Aphrodite Wiki
Oshun Wiki
Aphrodite-Memoir of the Senses
Sacred Food

Check back at this blog for recipes from my own kitchen, information on veganism, Aphrodisiac treats, and lots more!!

To my fellow VeganMofo bloggers: here we go!

1 comment:

  1. Cool. The venus wiki link's cool. Haha here's my wiki of sorts -
    my real wiki is about to be deleted!

    Anyways, the 30 days of posts should be pretty cool.
    Rock on,
